Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Abstract of the tribe in Yemen Al-Knabshi

Abstract of the tribe

Qahtanip tribe, related to the ratios Chenbc Ben Dhabyan bin Malik bin difficult Demain Ben Ben Ben Ictl rally bin Shams bin Abdel Wael Ben Ben Cotton Ben deviation Oraib Ayman bin Zuhair bin bin bin donkeys Alhmisa Saba Bin Bin Bin deplores the bin Qahtan Ben Hood

A glossary of the tribes of Yemen and the countries of Ibrahim Ahmed Almqahvi follows:

Knabshp tribes of the dark in the valley to ease Duan, homes in the town of Aljehi It is said that the origin of some Redah loaned by the people because the so-called Al Bachenbc .. It is said to Khanabshh Al Bahmahm It is their descendants Saadou Al Al Ahmed, Al Bashgerh, each of them by (the President) and the first of them in the fourteenth century AH Sheikh Abdullah bin Said bin Salim Knbshi (the author of Edam and commended the troops)

Explicitly .... The fact that the dictionary says they are dark and tribes Redah loaned to the aggressors, because of the people called Al Bachenbc is questionable.

Matter is before the pioneer brothers to make their replacements. The Prophet peace be upon him .. And the singular: Knbshi.

more info in http://www.c4arab.com/forums/member.php?u=26420

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